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Musical Theater

I’m a pianist, music director, and composer specializing in theater music. As a pianist, I currently work on several Broadway shows including Hamilton and Cats. As a composer, I’m a member of the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Advanced Workshop.

Check out my resume here.


When I’m not at the keyboard or writing music, I can often be found at the computer keyboard writing code. I currently work as a software developer for Between my musical projects and my day job, I don’t have much time for side projects right now, but would eventually love to build software that directly benefits the musical theater community. Please contact me if you have any ideas!


I recently designed a new logo and website for Unity Stage. Check it out!

Here is a sampling of my previous design work. Click on a thumbnail to view the image fullscreen.


Hi! I am a pianist, theater music director, composer, and software developer based in New York City. Welcome to my website, which is and always will be under construction, just as I am and always will be a work in progress. :-)

I am a graduate of Bard College and Conservatory of Music, class of 2010, where I received a B.M. in Piano Performance, and a B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics.

What’s a Wee Aldrich?

I was born Gan Wui Ming, following the Chinese convention where the last name appears first. After moving to the United States, I went by Wui-Ming Gan and later Ming Gan. When I married my wife, we both hyphenated our last names. Today, as a naturalized citizen of the USA, I have legally changed my name to Ming Aldrich-Gan, which is the name I use both professionally and socially.


Email me at or call me at +1-917-GAN-CELL (426-2355).